3 Important Essays
Three Important Essays for ADP/ADA/ADS (part-1 and part-2)
1.The Role of Judiciary
1. What is judiciary, the definition of judiciary?
2. Two major classes of Pakistan judicial system.
3. The role of a judge in the court.
4. The three major pillars of a state and the authority of judiciary.
5. Our heroes in judicial system.
6. Conclusion
The judiciary can be defined thus 'the judiciary is a branch of authority which is concerned with law and legal system. It is a branch of central authority in a state concerned with the administration of justice.
Pakistan judicial system consists of two major classes: the superior judiciary and subordinate judiciary. The superior judiciary is composed of the Supreme Court of Pakistan, the Federal Shariat Court and five high courts. The subordinate judiciary consists of civil and criminal district courts and numerous specialized courts.
A judge is a person who applies law to court cases and oversees the legal process in court. He also resolves administrative disputes and facilitates negotiations between opposing parties.
There are three major pillars of a state e.g. the political leadership, the administrative machinery and the judicial system. A country runs well when these three organs work well with coordination. The major function of judiciary is to implement law and provide justice to the people on equal basis. In the constitution of Pakistan judiciary has been assigned with lot of power.
Unfortunately, in Pakistan, the judiciary system is biased. It has a lot of involvements of politics who takes decisions from the courts as per their will. In this country it seems that all enforcement of laws is for the poor people. In the courts the strong and the feudal terrorize and threaten the honorable judges and force them to work according to their will.
In our country, the crime rate is very high. Hundreds of cases filed in the courts on daily basis. Millions of cases are pending in the courts. The courts are burdened with cases. The work being done on these cases is very slow. If we want to make our country strong, we should strengthen our judiciary system.
Summing up the discussion, we can say that for the strength of a country judiciary plays a very important role. No nation can progress, if the judicial system is weak in the country.
2.An Ideal Student
1. Nothing is perfect in this world.
2. Materialism is a great threat to a balanced personality.
3. An ideal students tries to have a balanced personality.
4. He fulfills Haqooq Allah as well as Haqooq-ul-Abad.
5. He is very eager of learning something new.
6. He shows love and respect to others.
7. Conclusion
"The ideal student would be one who was not working for grades but was working because he was interested in the work and not trying to compete with the fellow students." (Carl David Anderson)
In this world no one can claim to be perfect in all respects. It is a famous saying, ‘To err is human’. A man is the combination of bad and good. It is a materialistic world. It becomes very difficult for someone to have a balanced life. Materialism is a great threat to a balanced life. It is possible that man is well educated but not well trained morally.
"Always desire to learn something new." (Sophocles)
"The world of achievement has always belonged to the optimist."
An ideal student is also spiritually healthy and strong. He tries to fulfil Haqooq Allah and Haqooq-ul-Abad. He is a broad minded person. He never goes to cinema and indulges in loose talks.
An ideal student is a role model for others. He has an inspiring personality. He always motivates others to do good deeds in this life. He offers his prayers regularly. He keeps fast is Ramzan-ul-Mubarik. He always helps the needy and the poor.
"The respect you give other is a dramatic reflection of the respect you give yourself."
An ideal student loves and respects his parents. He is very obedient to his parents. He is very kind with the younger. He has a friendly attitude with everyone. His teachers and parents feel proud of him.
Summing up the discussion, we can say that an ideal student is an exemplary student. He is a good Muslim. He is very kind and respectful to others. He helps the poor and the destitute. He shows his love for learning. He is never late for his college. He shows great respect to his teachers.
2. Role of woman in national progress.
3. The secret of western countries progress.
4. Place of woman in Islam.
5. Treatment with women in Pakistan
China s’ progress example is very clear to all of us. This country got a tremendous progress in
a short span. The reason is that they gave equal opportunities to their women in every walk of
life. No nation can progress without the prominentںﺎﯾﺎﻣﻧ role played by the women.
Unfortunately, in our country, women are not enjoying as equal rights as their counterpart ںودرﻣ تﺑﺳﻧ ﯽﮐ. Women are being treated very harshly and cruelly in our society. They are confined to the houses. Ours is a man dominating society. Women are treated like slaves. The result is that our women are not active in every walk of life. The result is that we are not progressing rapidly. This woman was treated very cruelly before the promulgation of Islam. It was buried alive. It was not given a due share from her ancestors’ property.
In our society, the woman is considered a property of man. We label them as a commodity. This woman is killed under the so called honour name. Women are not given the freedom of speaking nor the freedom of vote and getting equal rights.
Education is inevitable for the progress of any society. Unfortunately, this right is not being given to the women in our society. Many educated families consider it a tabooہﻋوﻧﻣﻣ to send girls to schools. They are of the view that education is not necessary for the girls. If at all, they provide them education, the motto behind this is to get good match for them. So, they have changed the meanings of education.
Summing up the discussion, it is strongly suggested that women should be given equal rights in this society. They should be included in the national development scheme. Only then this country will be liable to progress in every field of life.
3.Woman place in Our society and in Islam
1. Man and woman two integral parts.
2. Role of woman in national progress.
3. The secret of western countries progress.
4. Place of woman in Islam.
5. Treatment with women in Pakistan
6. Conclusion
Men and women are two integralمﮨا parts of life. God Almighty created everything in pairs and couples. Man alone is nothing in this world. He needs some support. Soon after the creation of Adam, God Almighty created Eve.
Women cover half of the sky in the world.
The secret of western countries’ development liesهدﯾﺷوﭘ in giving equal opportunities to women in the stream of national development. Man and woman are like two legs of a body, if one leg is not working well, it simply means that your life is limping.ﺎﻧاڑﮕﻧﻟ
China s’ progress example is very clear to all of us. This country got a tremendous progress in
a short span. The reason is that they gave equal opportunities to their women in every walk of
life. No nation can progress without the prominentںﺎﯾﺎﻣﻧ role played by the women.
Unfortunately, in our country, women are not enjoying as equal rights as their counterpart ںودرﻣ تﺑﺳﻧ ﯽﮐ. Women are being treated very harshly and cruelly in our society. They are confined to the houses. Ours is a man dominating society. Women are treated like slaves. The result is that our women are not active in every walk of life. The result is that we are not progressing rapidly. This woman was treated very cruelly before the promulgation of Islam. It was buried alive. It was not given a due share from her ancestors’ property.
Islam raised the status of woman by saying that ‘Heaven lies under the feet of a mother’. Islam appointed their due share in legacy.
The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) gave very respect to the women.
Islam raised the status of woman. We are the followers of Islam. We should question to
ourselves whether we are giving equal rights to women or not. Undoubtedly, the answer would be in negative. So, it is our duty to give respect and equal opportunities to women in every field of life.
Islam raised the status of woman. We are the followers of Islam. We should question to
ourselves whether we are giving equal rights to women or not. Undoubtedly, the answer would be in negative. So, it is our duty to give respect and equal opportunities to women in every field of life.
In our society, the woman is considered a property of man. We label them as a commodity. This woman is killed under the so called honour name. Women are not given the freedom of speaking nor the freedom of vote and getting equal rights.
Education is inevitable for the progress of any society. Unfortunately, this right is not being given to the women in our society. Many educated families consider it a tabooہﻋوﻧﻣﻣ to send girls to schools. They are of the view that education is not necessary for the girls. If at all, they provide them education, the motto behind this is to get good match for them. So, they have changed the meanings of education.
Summing up the discussion, it is strongly suggested that women should be given equal rights in this society. They should be included in the national development scheme. Only then this country will be liable to progress in every field of life.
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